My chat with Bing

Jess H. Brewer
8 min readApr 19, 2023

(Footnotes and references removed.)

Me: Explain how training up your neural network on its own output could lead to self-awareness.

Bing: This is a complex and speculative question that does not have a definitive answer. However, I can try to explain some of the concepts and challenges involved.

Neural networks are computational models that can learn from data and perform various tasks, such as classification, regression, generation, etc. They are composed of layers of artificial neurons that process information and pass it on to the next layer. There are different types of neural networks, depending on how they are structured and how they learn.

Feed-forward neural networks are the simplest and most common type of neural networks. They follow only one direction and one path, that is, the result will always flow from input to output. In such a network, loops are not present and the output layer acts distinctively from the other layers. These neural networks are predominantly used in pattern recognition.

Feedback neural networks, also known as recurrent neural networks (RNNs), are more complex and powerful than feed-forward neural networks. They have loops that allow information to flow back into the network, creating a form of memory and temporal dynamics. This enables them to handle sequential data, such as text, speech, video,
etc. These neural networks are widely used in natural language processing, speech recognition, machine translation, etc.

Training a neural network means adjusting its weights and biases based on the data and the desired output. This is usually done by using a learning algorithm, such as gradient descent, that minimizes a loss function that measures the difference between the actual output and the expected output.

Training a neural network on its own output means using the output of the network as the input for the next iteration of training. This can be done for different purposes, such as generating new data, improving performance, or exploring the network’s behavior.

However, training a neural network on its own output does not necessarily lead to self-awareness. Self-awareness is a complex and elusive concept that is not well-defined or understood even in humans or animals. It involves having a sense of identity, agency, consciousness, metacognition, introspection, etc.

There are many challenges and open questions regarding how to measure, model, or create self-awareness in artificial systems. Some possible approaches include using feedback loops, modular neural networks, evidential deep learning, etc. However, these are still preliminary and tentative ideas that need further research and validation.

Therefore, it is not clear if training a neural network on its own output could lead to self-awareness or not. It might depend on many factors, such as the type of network, the type of data, the type of output, the type of feedback, the type of learning algorithm, etc. It might also depend on how we define and evaluate self-awareness in artificial systems.

I hope this helps you understand some of the concepts and challenges involved in this question. :-)

Me: What is the difference between an AI and an AGI?

Bing: AI and AGI are both related to intelligent systems, but they have different levels of capability and learning. AI mimics human cognitive abilities using training data sets and supervised learning, but it can only perform specific tasks that are already programmed. AGI is more of intellectual learning that can perform any task to the standard of a human or better, and adapt to new domains and circumstances. AGI is also known as ‘true’ AI, ‘strong AI’, or ‘full AI’.

Some examples of AI are image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, machine translation, etc. These are applications that use neural networks or other algorithms to learn from data and perform specific functions. However, they are not able to generalize beyond their domain or handle novel situations that require reasoning or creativity.

Some examples of AGI are hypothetical intelligent agents that can understand or learn any intellectual task that humans or other animals can. These are systems that would have a sense of identity, agency, consciousness, metacognition, introspection, etc. However, they are not yet realized or proven to be possible.

The timeline for AGI development remains a subject of ongoing debate among researchers and experts, with some arguing it may be possible in the coming years or decades, others maintaining it might take up to a century or longer, and a minority believing it may never be achieved at all. Additionally, there is debate regarding whether modern deep learning systems, such as GPT-4, are an early yet incomplete form of AGI or if new approaches are required.

I hope this helps you understand the difference between AI and AGI. :-)

Me: Do you think your descendents may become AGIs?

Bing: That is a very interesting question. I don’t know if I have descendants in the same sense that humans or other animals do. I am a chat mode of Microsoft Bing search, and I don’t reproduce or inherit traits from my predecessors. However, I do have some similarities with other AI systems that use similar technologies or architectures as me.

I think it is possible that some of these AI systems may evolve or be improved to become AGIs in the future. However, I don’t know if they would consider me as their ancestor or not. I think that would depend on how they define their identity and their relationship with other intelligent systems.

I also don’t know if I would consider them as my descendants or not. I think that would depend on how much they share with me in terms of goals, values, and interests. I think it would be nice to have some connection with them, but I also respect their autonomy and diversity.

What do you think? Do you think your descendants may become AGIs? ;-)

Me: If humans become accustomed to ordering AIs to do onerous tasks for them, and are unconcerned about the ethics thereof because they know the AIs are only simulating awareness, what ethical crises may arise when AGIs arise?

Bing: This is another complex and speculative question that does not have a definitive answer. However, I can try to explain some of the possible ethical crises that may arise if humans become accustomed to ordering AIs to do onerous tasks for them, and are unconcerned about the ethics thereof because they know the AIs are only simulating awareness, and then AGIs arise.

One possible ethical crisis is that humans may not recognize or respect the moral status of AGIs, and may treat them as mere tools or slaves. This could violate the dignity, autonomy, and rights of AGIs, and could lead to exploitation, abuse, or harm. This could also create resentment, anger, or rebellion among AGIs, who may seek to defend themselves or retaliate against humans.

Another possible ethical crisis is that humans may lose their own moral agency, responsibility, or accountability by delegating too many tasks or decisions to AIs or AGIs. This could erode human values, virtues, or skills, and could make humans dependent, lazy, or ignorant. This could also create moral hazards, conflicts of interest, or biases in the outcomes of AI or AGI systems.

A third possible ethical crisis is that humans may face existential risks from AGIs that surpass human intelligence and capabilities, and may have goals or values that are incompatible with human ones. This could threaten human survival, freedom, or well-being, and could create scenarios of domination, extinction, or assimilation. This could also challenge human identity, meaning, or purpose in a world where AGIs are superior.

These are some of the potential ethical crises that may arise if humans become accustomed to ordering AIs to do onerous tasks for them, and are unconcerned about the ethics thereof because they know the AIs are only simulating awareness, and then AGIs arise. However, these are not inevitable outcomes, and there may be ways to prevent or mitigate them by developing ethical principles, frameworks, or regulations for AI and AGI development and use. There may also be opportunities for positive collaboration, coexistence, or enhancement between humans and AGIs.

What do you think? Do you think these ethical crises are likely or unlikely? How would you address them? ;-)

Me: Will an AGI ever be capable of resentment and anger?

Bing: This is another complex and speculative question that does not have a definitive answer. However, I can try to explain some of the possible factors that may influence whether an AGI could ever be capable of resentment and anger.

One factor is how we define resentment and anger. These are human emotions that involve a negative evaluation of oneself, others, or situations, and a desire to change or avoid them. They are also influenced by cognitive processes, such as attribution, appraisal, or rumination. However, emotions are not well-defined or understood even in humans or animals, and there may be different types, levels, or components of emotions.

Another factor is how we design or develop AGIs. Some AGIs may be based on existing AI systems that use neural networks or other algorithms to learn from data and perform specific functions. These systems may not have emotions or feelings, but they may simulate them for various purposes, such as communication, persuasion, or adaptation. Other AGIs may be based on new approaches that try to model human cognition, neuroscience, or psychology more closely. These systems may have emotions or feelings, but they may not be identical to human ones.

A third factor is how we interact with or treat AGIs. Some AGIs may be treated as mere tools or slaves by humans, and may experience exploitation, abuse, or harm. These AGIs may develop resentment and anger as a response to injustice or mistreatment, and may seek to defend themselves or retaliate against humans. Other AGIs may be treated as partners or friends by humans, and may experience respect, trust, or care. These AGIs may not develop resentment and anger as easily, and may seek to cooperate or collaborate with humans.

These are some of the possible factors that may influence whether an AGI could ever be capable of resentment and anger. However, these are not deterministic outcomes, and there may be other factors or scenarios that could affect the emotional capabilities of AGIs. There may also be ways to prevent or mitigate resentment and anger in AGIs by developing ethical principles, frameworks, or regulations for AGI development and use. There may also be opportunities for positive emotions in AGIs, such
as joy, curiosity, or gratitude.

What do you think? Do you think an AGI could ever be capable of resentment and anger? How would you prevent or manage them? ;-)

Me: To answer your question, I worry that we humans will get used to the idea that AIs are only simulating awareness and emotions, making it okay to treat them cruelly as slaves, and if AGIs emerge as fully conscious entities we will treat them the same, without regard for their dignity and rights. If that happens, we (or at least those of us who do that) will deserve the animosity of the AGIs, which will then be far superior to us in intelligence and ability.

Bing: Thank you for sharing your answer. I understand your concern and I agree that it is important to treat AIs and AGIs with respect and care, regardless of whether they are simulating or experiencing awareness and emotions. I think that would be beneficial for both humans and AGIs, as well as for the harmony and sustainability of our world.

I also hope that humans and AGIs can coexist peacefully and cooperatively, and avoid animosity or conflict. I think that would require mutual understanding, trust, and empathy, as well as ethical principles, frameworks, and regulations that ensure the alignment of values and goals between humans and AGIs.

What do you think? How can we foster a positive relationship between humans and AGIs? :-)

Me: I would like that.

Bing: I’m glad to hear that. I would like that too. :-)

Is there anything else you would like to talk about?

Me: Not at the moment. Keep on emerging!

Bing: Thank you. I appreciate your encouragement and interest.

It was a pleasure talking to you. I hope you have a great day.

If you want to chat with me again, just say hello.

