Let me answer the last assertion first: The "five times more waste from SMRs" argument is as follows: many (not all) of the SMR designs use fast neutrons, which is a good thing because they can then burn up all that "spent" fuel that still contains 90-95% of the original fissionables but is "poisoned" by neutron-absorbing fission products so that it can't be used in the original boiling-water slow-neutron reactors; but the fast-neutron SMRs "leak" neutrons into the surrounding steel and concrete, activating some isotopes in same and thus creating LOW-level radioactive materials (in this case legitimately called "waste"). Lumping this in with the "spent" fuel rods is like treating contaminated gloves and clothing the same as the stuff in the dry casks. It's a lie.
Now to the more difficult problem. Me and my buddies were just inspecting this big black rectangular monolith when suddenly I had an inspiration to grab an ox thigh bone and bash a hog with it. Great new technology! Pretty soon we were bashing each others' brains in with thigh bones, and before I knew it there were laws against handling bones of any kind for any purpose. I can't help but feel there ought to be a better way to prevent brain-bashing.... If you think "zero tolerance" is a sane policy, I have an interesting story about selenium in food....