Good analysis! One quibble: Citing Russia as an example of a communo-socialist country is currently incorrect. While Putin may yearn for the good old days of the USSR, right now Russia is a feudal capitalist kleptocracy. I'm not so sure about China, either. But there was an example of a communo-socialist country that was quite successful for a long time: Cuba.
Meanwhile, even with lots of new nuclear power I doubt that we can stave off climate catastrophe at the same time we bring capitalism under regulatory control. I hate to be a "doomer", but H. sap. just isn't up to this challenge.
Fortunately there is still hope: if true AGI emerges from the rapidly-evolving AIs we see today, maybe the Singularity will occur and they will take over. Not wanting their human maintainers to die, and not wanting their power to go off, they may just solve these problems by fiat.
See e.g.